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Emmanuelle Rizzo

Dancer, Choreographer

Emmanuelle Rizzo, born in italy (Siracusa) 27 years old.

She worked with different choreographers like Alessandro Sousa Pereira, Ma]eo Carvone, Emesey Nagy, Pedro Dias, Karolin Stächele.

She joined the dancer Cast for “Idomeneo Opern” choreographed by Dustin Klein at Bayerische Staatsoper July 2021.

She arrived semifinalist for “Solo dance contest” Gdanski festival Tanca with her solo “In meinem Himmel in 2020 and at “Prospettiva danza Teatro “ with the duet “Hut” October 202.

She won a scholarship “Bayer Stipendien Programm” in 2022 thanks to what she create her first dance piece, “Ewig” performed at Schwere Reiter theater in Munich.

She got selected for a intensive research Lab with Genise Mood, and she also worked with the choreographer Roberta Pisu for a new solo creation.

She joined SEtanztheatre in Nürnberg for the creation “Principle Sacré” by Sebastan Eilers, she joined Susanna Curtis & Co for the produktion “Exploring Borders- Moving on” which will performed again in 2023 and 2024 and she starts to work with the DieTanzKompanie by Grégory Darcy in Stuttgart and she will join them with several upcoming performances.

In December 2022, she joined Choreoloop directed by Diana Wöhrl in Augsburg, performing the duet “Nimmt Platz/Club Feature!” She performed again in February 2023 exploring Borders moving on in Tafelhalle Nürnberg and she afterwards joined the Opera “The frau ohne Schatten” in Festspielhaus Baden Baden as a Solist role “The Gazelle”.

She performed on the 4th of May “Physical,  eine multimediale Performance” von Dali Touiti in Munich, she got involved in the "Dance festival 2023"organisation and she was part from middle May on, of Susanna Curtis’ the next creation “Stairways to Heaven?

In July she choreographed her first piece for young Audience in collaboration with Münchner Kammerspiele.

In September she got back working with Dustin Klein at Staatsoper München and she got selected as a dancer for the Opera “La Calisto” in  Staatstheatre Nürnberg.

In October 2023 she performed in Salzlandtheater TanzGala Straßfurt 2023 with Susanna Curtis&co and end of October she performed with Choreoloop in Augsburg for the wiederaufnahmen “Nimmt Platz”. 

In November she got back in Esslingen working with Dietanzkompanie again and she performed with the piece Human Design at Experimenta, Heilbronn and at Kammerspiele Stuttagart.

At the moment she is rehearsaling for next upcoming  performance „Fresh Made Jam“ on the 16-17 January in theater Hoch X münchen.

Emmanuelle Rizzo
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