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LTR / Long term relationships: Nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit und Resilienz in den freien darstellenden Künsten

Kreativquartier München

Sustainable collaboration and resilience in the independent performing arts

With Hannah Saar and representatives of the independent performing arts community

As part of the RODEO Festival 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024 | time tba, duration approx. 4 hours

Kreativquartier München | exact location to be announced

In German spoken language

Binding registration via

"Practice what you preach" is the major goal of many independent performing artists. In their work, they often negotiate possible models of a future society. And with every new production, there is another opportunity to negotiate what is being negotiated on stage as a team. This is not only about new, better forms of presentation, but also about collaboration. It is not always easy to create a good, inclusive and sustainable workflow and an appreciative working atmosphere under precarious conditions and with changing teams. This is exactly what we will take time for on this workshop day and address the question together: "How do we want to work together?". To this end, we have invited Hannah Saar, dramaturge and systemic coach, to provide input and various representatives of the independent performing arts community will then share their experiences and approaches with us.

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